Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Short Reflection

Hello again! Thank you for clicking the link to this post. Since I've already written about some "galau" stuffs yesterday, I'm gonna write about something more constructive today. It's an article taken from my devotional book, but it really is applicable even to the non-Christian as well. It is also special because my hometown is featured in this article, read by millions of people all over the world! Lastly, I've included an Indonesian translation after the English version. Hopefully this can be a blessing to each and everyone of you reading this. God bless!

Who's Behind It?

Verse of the day:
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights." - James 1:17

At a cultural show in Bandung, Indonesia, we enjoyed a wonderful orchestra performance. Before the finale, the 200 people in the audience were each handed an angklung, a musical instrument made of bamboo. We were taught how to shake it in rhythm with the conductor's timing. Soon we thought we were performing like an orchestra; we felt so proud of how well we were doing! Then it dawned on me that we were not the ones who were good; it was the conductor who deserved the credit.

Similarly, when everything is going well in our lives, it's easy to feel proud. We're tempted to think that we are good and that it is by our abilities that we've achieved success. During such moments, we tend to forget that behind it all is our good God who prompts, prevents, provides, and protects.

David remembered that truth: "Then King David went in and sat before the Lord; and he said: 'Who am I, O LORD God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?'" (1 Chron. 17:16). David's heart swelled up in appreciation of God's goodness.

The next time we are tempted to take credit for the blessings we enjoy, let's pause and remember that it is the Lord who brings blessing. - Albert Lee

Indonesian translation:

Ayat nats:
"Setiap pemberian yang baik dan setiap anugrah yang sempurna, datangnya dari atas, diturunkan dari Bapa segala terang." - Yakobus 1:17

Dalam sebuah pameran kebudayaan di Bandung, Indonesia, kami menikmati sebuah pertunjukkan orkestra yang luar biasa. Sebelum finale, setiap dari 200 orang penonton diberikan sebuah angklung, alat musik tradisional dari bambu. Kami diajarkan untuk menggoyangkan angklung tersebut seirama dengan ketukan konduktor. Tidak lama, kami merasa bahwa kami bermain bak orkestra sungguhan; kami merasa sangat bangga akan diri kami sendiri! Namun saya menyadari bahwa bukanlah kami yang hebat, melainkan sang konduktor.

Ketika setiap hal di hidup kita berjalan dengan baik, mudah sekali bagi kita untuk merasa bangga. Kita tergoda untuk berpikir bahwa kita hebat dan kemampuan kita lah yang membawa kita pada keberhasilan. Pada saat-saat seperti itu, kita cenderung melupakan bahwa dibalik semua itu, ada Tuhan kita yang baik, yang mengingatkan, mencegah, menyediakan, dan menjagai kita.

Daud mengingat kebenaran tersebut: "Lalu masuklah raja Daud ke dalam, kemudian duduklah ia di hadapan TUHAN sambil berkata: 'Siapakah aku ini, ya TUHAN Allah, dan siapakah keluargaku, sehingga Engkau membawa aku sampai sedemikian ini?'" (1 Tawarikh 17:16). Hati Daud berlimpah dengan ucapan syukur akan kebaikkan Tuhan.

Apabila kita tergoda untuk menganggap berkat-berkat Tuhan sebagai hasil jerih payah kita, marilah kita berhenti sejenak dan mengingat bahwa berkat berasal dari Tuhan saja. - Albert Lee

As I read the reflection above, I realized, in shame, how often I felt proud of what I have achieved while in fact it has always been God who poured down his blessings into my life. Soon, I'll be going to Singapore to start a new chapter of my life in university. By posting this article here, I hope I will always be reminded that all good things in my life come from God alone. Jesus bless you.

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