Surprisingly, God gave me a mindblowing revelation not on the last day but on the start of the second day when we had a Christmas session with the kids. As usual, I was the guitarist for the day. The session began with games and singalongs before one of our friends, Heidi, made the children sit down and listen to her animated storytelling of The Prodigal Son from the Bible. Kids being kids, they struggled to sit quietly and listen to Heidi. That was when the rest of the team was dispatched to watch after the kids and give out lollipops to those who behaved themselves and listened attentively.
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This was the room we used, only packed with close to 200 children |
As I made my round, I saw myself and the rest of humanity in how these children react to the control system we implemented. The kids who had their eyes and ears on Heidi were rewarded with lollipops we bought in the market earlier. For one thing, it was tough to decide if a kid deserved a lollipop. Yet what struck me was how the other children near the lollipop kid reacted. Some begged me for lollipops too. Others kept quiet but stared at the lollipop kid with envy. But one thing was common: all were distracted.
But one thing was common: all were distracted.
That was when God reminded me that more often than not, I am like that too. When God starts pouring blessings to people around me, I would feel jealous. I would start asking God why him or her? Why not me? I would start praying for blessings for myself too. But then God told me that what He desires the most in a moment like this was not prayers. Don't get me wrong here. God loves it when we pray and seek Him but sometimes what we need to unlock the windows of Heaven over our lives is to do exactly what the kid with lollipop did: stay focused on God and His story for our lives. If God calls you to be a cell group leader, do it with all your heart and your soul. If your calling is to be a teacher, give it your best and let the love of God flows through you to your students. When you focus on your calling and nothing else, God will reward you when you least expect it. Do not get distracted.
Sometimes what we need to unlock the windows of Heaven over our lives is to do exactly what the kid with lollipop did: stay focused on God and His story for our lives.
God also gave me another revelation from the same session. Among the clusters of distracted kids, there were a handful of overly attentive kids, mostly sitting in the first few rows, who didn't even notice us and our lollipops. To my surprise, I found myself not wanting to give any lollipop to these special children. Why? Because I did not want them to get distracted by the lollipops and lose their eyes from Heidi. The same goes for us too. Sometimes, we do not see God's blessings in our lives not because He does not love us. Perhaps He is sooo happy that we are sooo focused on Him that He chooses not to bless us right now because He knows that we might not be able to handle the abundant blessings He has in store for us yet. But does that mean that He won't bless us at all? Of course not. Just as how I would hand these special children two lollipops once Heidi finished her storytelling, so would God give us double portion of the blessing if only we are faithful to what He calls us to do, regardless of what it may be.
Perhaps He is sooo happy that we are sooo focused on Him that He chooses not to bless us right now because He knows that we might not be able to handle the abundant blessings He has in store for us yet.
So yes, I feel very blessed by the experience I gathered in Kraing Thnong, and I wish to return there again one day (next year maybe?)
God bless you all :)
1 comment:
Wow amazing! Many more of such opportunities to come for you, Zel!
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