Hello. Here I am on the Saturday afternoon, writing my thoughts and feelings in this blog of mine. Last night, I was feeling so down that all I could do was just lying down on my bed. Yet, my brother reminded me that "When you are feeling sad, the best thing to do is to blog!" It was then that I learned two things: that I should write another blog post, and that my brother has a blog. So, the next morning (which is this morning), I turned my laptop on, and started searching for his blog. It was nowhere to be found, neither in his Facebook nor in his Twitter. Finally, after much effort, I found it.
"When you are feeling sad, the best thing to do is to blog!"
His blog is simplistic, but it became obvious to me after reading his recent two posts that his writings are honest, and come straight from the heart. He wrote about a lot of things, from friendship to love to academics. There is one post in which he wrote about me helping him for his IOC, and how thankful he is for it. It was nothing, bro. Glad to be of help. I want you to know something, though. Whenever people ask me what are my most proud moments in life, I would answer them with two things. First, that I won a scholarship to Singapore five years ago. Second, that my brother himself won the same scholarship too. There is no better feeling than to know that your sibling is doing as well, if not more, than you do.
There is no better feeling than to know that your sibling is doing as well, if not more, than you do.
Me and my bro |
Just as how your writing has brightened my day significantly, so I want to take my turn to cheer you up. Yes, IB can be overwhelming at times. I know how it feels to be only months away from the final exam because I have been through it myself. But it's only August now, and there's more than enough time to catch up with your study. Remember,
the fact that you won the scholarship by your own effort (and God's grace, of course) means that you have the potential to excel in school. Now that all the assignments and CCAs are over, take the time everyday to start revising your concepts. If I get the place as an AHT, I would dedicate my time to help you prepare for the prelim, and then the IB exam. Don't hesitate to ask me if you are unclear with anything. I might not be the smartest senior around, but I'm willing to go the extra mile just for my brother. Work hard, but more importantly, pray hard.
God is never "setengah-setengah" in doing His work, and when He gave you the scholarship to ACSI, He would surely give you the strength to push on and do well in school. Do know that our family (papah, mamah, and even ema) are all behind you, praying for you everyday.
Yes, it's been a wonderful 18-19 years I have spent with my brother. Right now, he is three months away from his IB exam. I'm sure he will work hard, but no matter how he does, we all still love him. Now go there and reach your dream!
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