Friday, August 27, 2010

Just a post about my thought

Hi people.
I just want to share my thought to someone so I decided to write it on my blog. To make it more interesting, I'll do it in a question-and-answer style so yeah, enjoy =)

Q: Why didn't you crash to secondary Asean Dance last night like what your friends did?
A: 2 years ago when I was still in sec 3, some of my JC1 seniors also crashed to our Asean Dance. I was unhappy at that time because it was like they invading the time and moments of our lives. Crashing itself is entering without paying which is no different to stealing. If I did crash to their Asean Dance last night, not only may I ruin their moments but also steal what is rightfully not mine! I have principles in life and I will stick to them no matter what.

Q: Something happened between you and your friend recently?
A: Yeah, I know I shouldn't take a denial approach to this anymore. Yes, something did happen and we have not talked for quite some time already.

Q: Are you angry at him? Why?
A: Honestly speaking you can say that. Perhaps you all will never understand how much it hurt at that time when I had a problem with this girl that I like and he was just too inconsiderate to refrain from talking to her. I know you might say it's not a big deal but imagine the situation. There I was, haven't had a proper conversation with her for a few days. There he was, talking to that girl openly without even considering how I would feel. Even after my subtle criticism he just couldn't be bothered to realize that. I don't know how some people can be so socially deprived and insecure, unable to put themselves into others' shoes and look at the situation from a different perspective.

Q: Is that all why you are so angry at him?
A: Not really. There are other reasons which might not be as major compared to that one. When we were still close friends, he always followed me where ever I went. It was okay until the point when it became unbearable and irritating. It did not stop there. He started to befriend all my close friends too. You may call me egoist, selfish or whatever, but remember that I am still a human who has feelings and all. Imagine all your good friends are so-called "hijacked" and there is hardly anyone you know whom he doesn't know. That sucks right?

Q: What do you mean by "hijacked"?
A: It's like he considers all my good friends as his. Ah I guess there is no use trying to describe it here. You just won't understand it. But really, the worst part is when he started to reply-tweet to my crush. I don't know about you, but when I wanted to add my friend's crush, I always asked for permission first. Like when I added my friend Gide's crush, I asked whether I am allowed to. Maybe it's different in your culture but I was rather offended by your action, honestly. At one point I even considered whether you really are a good friend or just a back-stabber. It was like the wall of trust I have rebuilt crushed into pieces in one night. 

Q: How is life in general now?
A: The most hectic week has just passed. All the deadlines especially TOK essay are over. However, I have to start preparing for the final year exams which are coming closer. So yeah, I'm trying to occupy myself with busyness so that I don't have to worry about my problems. I will trust and rely on God always because I believe He is the one who will always see me through my trials.


Adi said...

brudder you can tweet-follow my 'crush' if you want. :P just don't unnecessarily embarrass me please haha.

oh so that's what happened between you and MI. O: man okay I see why you are a bit upset about it. he might have been a little tactless in what he has done, I admit.

but i think maybe you should try to find out/understand why he talked to her during that time? even if you don't find out, it is possibly a good thing that he talks to your close friends too yeah?

for me personally, if i have problems about someone, it does help having a good friend in common with him/her whom i can talk about the problem with. because this good friend will know enough about him/her to understand what i'm saying, and will know me well enough to understand my feelings as well. just saying lah. (:

of course it shouldn't go all the way to encompass your entire circle of good friends, that is a bit weird...:S we all do need that little bit of extra personal and intimate space we share only with a certain person.

heizel said...

haha it's alright I don't know her personally either so I won't add her lah :)

oh well I'd no comment about this matter anymore. no, actually I choose not to care anymore lah. life is too precious to be spent this way.

oh well you can find out what he asked yourself. I think you might be a bit upset if you were in my position also.

yea I agree to that. but if you read the tweets I believe you'd change your mind. I know how good it is to be able to share stories with a good friend. luckily I still have my other friends to share with :)

you can't really say "entire". but it is directed that way >.<