air-conditioned auditorium was cold. Well, maybe not freezing cold, but I was
trembling and shivering. It certainly felt colder than it really was. Little
did I know that something amazing was about to happen to me and through
In the week
before another year of university (referred to as “school” from here on. “Back
to school” sounds much better than “back to university”) began, I went for
Bethel School of Healing together with friends from school and church. Bethel
Church is located in Redding, California (which happens to be where my exchange
school next year will be yay!), and they were in Singapore for this inaugural
training and teaching sessions on healing. Spiritual healing, of course.
I really
enjoyed and learned a lot from the three-day seminar. While the day sessions
were strictly by registrations, the evening sessions were free to public. In
the second night, Chris Gore, one of the speakers, asked all the students
to approach and pray for the people in the auditorium who were in need of
healing. Over the past two days, I have seen many, many healing miracles with
my own eyes, from eye floaters (those seeing
black spots in their visions) being instantly healed to metal parts in the
bodies being dissolved. But to be very honest, never in my
wildest imagination that I dreamed of healing people with my own hands (or to be
more precise, letting God heal people through my hands).
Those who
know me well would be able to tell that I am more of an introvert. I hate
having to approach people, let alone asking if I can pray for them. But since I
had nothing to lose, and have learned a thing or two about healing (such
as that it’s God who heals, not me, and that even Jesus didn’t pray sophisticated
prayers when He healed people), I might as well give it a try. And so I did.
When Chris
called for those who needed healing miracles, a big-sized, elderly uncle who sat
just next to me raised his hands. Trembling (I like to tell people that I was
freezing cold although that wasn't why I was trembling), I walked over and
asked if I could pray for him. He did a double take, perhaps expecting older
people, but agreed nonetheless. This was where things got interesting, definitely something I’ll never forget.
First, I
asked what his problem was. It turned out that the uncle had a knee
cartilage problem, which caused him to be unable to bend his knees. He was
about 60 years old. And so I started praying for him. At first, I wanted to
just lay my hands on him and pray. But seconds before Chris gave us a
“go-ahead-and-pray”, I felt very strongly in my heart that I should tap on his
knee instead. So I did. For about 20-30 seconds, I tapped on his knee while
saying a simple prayer asking God to heal him. Things started to get weird. I
could tell for sure that the moment I started praying for him, I felt heat on
the palm of my hand. This was very funny because I was feeling cold all over
but my hand felt very, very hot. I could also feel the uncle’s body trembling
as we prayed.
When I
finished, I asked the uncle whether he felt any better. To tell you the truth,
I was very, very nervous. What if he said there was no improvement, that he
still felt the pain? But doesn't matter, I thought. I did my part, and I wasn't
going to steal the spotlight from God who was the one who healed. “Uncle, how
do you feel?” I asked. His face said it all. He had this
“what-the-heck-just-happened” face and, true enough, he said that he thought he
had been healed. You won’t believe what happened next, but when Chris asked
those who had been prayed for to try and see if the pain was still there, the
uncle started lifting up his leg, then twisting it, then squatting up and down,
and then running round the auditorium. That wasn't something that someone with knee
cartilage problem could do! (he could barely walk before, just limping around) He looked like a child who just received a gift from his Father. And truly he
For my part, the joy that I felt was indescribable. I was literally tearing all over, giving thanks for what He has just done through me. I learned not to take credit for what He did, too. So yeah, it was really an experience to remember and I believe more will come. Looking forward to another year of adventure with my Father. God bless!