Hello again!
It's been a while since the last time I blogged. I've been quite busy with A*STAR for the past one month. Today was my last working day and tomorrow I'll go home. So yea, I'm gonna tell you about what has happened for the past few months. In fact, there are so many things that happened this year.
I have been working in one of A*STAR's Research Institute, ICES which is an abbreviation for Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences. It was this place where top scientists from around the world invent stuffs in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering field. Since I aspire to become a Chemical Engineer myself one day, this place is like heaven to me. I got to see a lot of cool interesting stuffs which make me want to study Chem Engineering even more! My project itself is on bio-fuel where I got the chance to work alongside a top-notch scientist. My supervisor is a Thai PhD graduate who specializes in Petrochemical. It was a very interesting attachment indeed.
Next year I will be in Year 6 which is the last year of my high school journey. After that, I will finally go to university although I will be 2 years behind my friends who are in Indonesia. I don't know if I'm prepared for my last year yet. All I know is that my God will fight with me throughout the year and I'll emerge victorious for the glory of His name!
This year has been a lot of ups and downs for me. To be honest, my grades plunged compared to last year. I had a miserable time with a girl too. Still, I believe they are all lessons to be learned from God. There is a reason why He makes me go through this. I'll work harder next year to achieve my dream. I also believe that one day Miss Right is gonna show up right in front of my door :)
So yeah, I will go home tomorrow for about 10 days. During that break, I will also go to Pangandaran which is this beach site in Indonesia about 7 hours drive away from my hometown. I can't wait to chillax there :D
Yup yup I guess that's all for now. I need to pack up for tomorrow's trip. I'll write again soon next time!