Yayyyyyy finally the much-dreaded-for promo exam is over!
Looking back, I'm so proud of my comparatively more effort preparing for my exam.
Although I didn't fulfill my vow not to go online at all, I'm still happy :)
Now that it is over, here comes another post from me.
Well, I really want to share my story about what happened before, during, and after the promo exams.
Honestly speaking, it was no where near pleasant or easy times.
I had lots of depressing moments but thank God he was and is always by my side throughout.
Well I started preparing for my exam about 2 weeks prior to the first day of exam.
It was a very torturing and hard times because all I had to do was just to study and study.
Eventually, the exam started and it lasted for about 1.5 weeks including weekends.
During the exam, it was really hard not to go online simply because I need something to unleash my feeling on.
It was rather depressing to study for papers like Maths and Physics and at times I even wondered whether it will all be worth it. Looking back, there is no regret at all.
If I get to change one thing, maybe I will not decide not to online at all during the exam. First, it might harm my relationship with my friends because time invested on socializing is directly proportional to how intimate you are with your friends.
On a side note, staying away from internet for a while did give me a new perspective of life. I felt that I had more time for myself and for God. Even better, I found the saying "Absence makes the heart grows fonder" true to a large extent :)
Now that exam is finally over, I promise to catch up with the non-academic side of my life: friendships, soccer, physical fitness, relationship, parents, my bro, guitar, council, and other stuffs I have neglected for while during exam. Although it's gonna be rather hectic even when exam has ended, I promise to set aside time for all these.
So yeah, I hope you all will have your well-deserved break!
For your info, I will not be flying home until Christmas.
So I'll be in Singapore for at least another 2 months plus :)
Keep smiling all :)))))))