Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Term 3 Break

Term 3 of my year 5 is already over. If I break my 4 years of study in Singapore into 16 terms, I only have 5 out of 16 terms left. Time really flies so fast. In no time I'll be in year 6 and in another "no time" I'll graduate from IB. It's amazing to see how time flies and I grow older years by years.

Right now I'm sitting in front of my computer spending time chatting and writing this blog. Dinner is in 5 minutes time. Well guess I'll have to cut this post short. The holiday itself has been quite productive although most of my school works are still left untouched. However, I spent time catching up with my non-academic errands *grin. Last night I slept at 3 am reading a very interesting novel, Time Traveler's Wife. I went to gym every other day. I went to library almost every morning. All is well I guess :)

I wish you all a fruitful holiday. Do not over mug, as my friend said. If you burn out too early, by the time exams come you'll hardly have any more energy and strength to go through it. God bless you :) 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here is an insight to my past

My friendster blog
*aaahhhh nostalgic...

PS: They were written in 2008

My first comments on friendster

My fs intro:


-16th fEB 1992

-bEzZ FRiEnDz: g-D , bJ , w3n , n4El

-lIFeTIm3 FRiEnDz: tI2 , mY bR0 (d3i), mY c0UsiNz (k3nNy)

-a SCh0LaR iN sPoRe

-s0CcER & gUItAr ... mY lIfE

-hIstoRY iz g0Od , bI0loGy n0 gO0d:p

-i LIkE cHAtTiNG ... aDd mY MSn d0NK:)

-aN inNoc3Nt b0Y tRApPed iN a B0y sCHo0L T.T

-hAlL 4 , r0om 448C

-mYBe u R oN3 of THe feW wH0 hV3 rEaD EvERytHiNG:) tHx

Asean Dance tonight

Hello everyone.
Tonight is Asean Dance. Time flies so fast that it has been one year since last year's Asean Dance. However, this year I'll just come for the sake of having fun. If I get to dance with someone, good for me. If not, it's still okay. Most importantly, I get the experience. And I'll also meet my old friends who are in other schools already.


PS: I'm wearing the first shirt I ever bought myself tonight!